Welcome to Vinyl Stylus, a blog about good music, and what makes music good.

Here, you'll find Rocks In The Attic - a disc by disc journey through my entire vinyl collection.

In a world full of TV talent shows, greatest hits CDs and manufactured pop, take a stroll through something that's good for your ears and good for your soul.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rocks In The Attic #38: Ringo Starr - ‘Sentimental Journey’ (1970)

I bought this recently, really as research for a piece of writing I’m working on, thinking it would be terrible, but it’s actually pretty good. This is Ringo’s first solo album - the first Beatles solo album in fact, not including live or avant-guarde releases - and is comprised of old standards arranged by the likes of Paul McCartney, George Martin, Maurice Gibb and Elmer Bernstein. Mostly it’s big band arrangements, with Ringo doing his best to croon over the top of them.

This might give me a bit of confidence to listen to his second album - Beaucoups Of Blues - again, although I’m not sure my initial opinion of that will change much. Maybe it will.

You have to wonder what teenybopper Beatles fans would have made of this, and its country follow-up. ‘Disappointed’ is a word that I’m sure would have been bandied about. Three weeks after this came McCartney and that’s so home-made it almost sounds like a demo recording. It wouldn’t be until much later in the year, when Harrison released All Things Must Pass that one of them released something that sounded vaguely Beatle-ly.

Hit: Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?

Hidden Gem: Dream

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